Module Reddit_api_kernel.Mod_action

module Id : sig ... end
type t
include Json_object.S_with_fields with type t := t
include Jsonaf.Jsonafable.S with type t := t
val get_field : t -> string -> Jsonaf.t option
val get_field_exn : t -> string -> Jsonaf.t
val field_map : t -> Jsonaf.t Core.Map.M(Core.String).t
include Json_object.S_with_kind with type t := t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
include Jsonaf.Jsonafable.S with type t := t
val t_of_jsonaf : Jsonaf_kernel__.Type.t -> t
val jsonaf_of_t : t -> Jsonaf_kernel__.Type.t
val kind : string
val id : t -> Id.t
val action : t -> string
val details : t -> string
val created : t -> Core.Time_ns.t
val target_author : t -> Username.t option
val target_title : t -> string
val target_fullname : t -> Thing.Fullname.t
val subreddit_name : t -> Subreddit_name.t
val moderator : t -> Username.t option